Florida voters have complained that they have not been receiving their requested absentee ballots. We may now know the reason why. According to a former Secretary […]

Podesta Spirit Cooking Emails Reveal Clinton’s Inner Circle as Sex Cult with Connections to Human Trafficking
Clinton’s inner circle includes child traffickers, pedophiles, and now members of a “sex cult,” the recent Podesta emails from Wikileaks reveals. An email to John […]

Associated Press “Journalist” Erick Tucker Coordinated Media Hoaxes with Hillary’s People
Associated Press “journalist” Eric Tucker coordinated a media hoax with Hillary Clinton’s longtime lawyer, David E. Kendall. Hillary kept her emails on two thumb drives […]

Media Cover-up – Hillary Clinton Had Another Unreported Health Episode
Based on what we know about the media cover-up of Hillary’s health, it’s clear sick Hillary had another health spell, which isn’t being reported. For no […]

How a Mindset Expert who HATES Politics Got Involved with #MAGA3X
“Politics is for those who lack control over their own lives,” I wrote in 2012. I mocked Mitt Romney and Obama supporters alike. Who could […]

How to Stop Worrying and Start Doing
One of the most disastrous myths is that you must take MASSIVE ACTION to produce massive change. This is not only wrong, it’s unhelpful. What […]

Silenced – What Does Free Speech Mean in 2016?
Less than 9 months after beginning the Kickstarter campaign, Silenced, a feature-length documentary on free speech, is finished! Thank YOU for backing it. Silenced was […]

CNN Retains Cernovich to Investigate Source of Presidential Debate Question Leak
For immediate release Statement of Jeff Zucker, President of CNN CNN has learned that a former contributor Donna Brazile leaked several primary debate questions to Hillary Clinton. […]

James Fallows and The Atlantic Admit to Journalistic Fraud
In a stunning admission on Twitter, James Fallows of the Atlantic conceded he is a journalistic fraud. Neither he nor The Atlantic fact-check articles, instead choosing to […]

Know Thy Enemy (Myopia)
Hoaxing journalist James Fallows of the Atlantic lied about me. When I reported on his media fraud, some people were angry at me. “What’s wrong with white […]

Peter Thiel Displays his MAGA Mindset to Members of Hoaxing Media at National Press Club
Best-selling author and Gawker slayer Peter Thiel today appeared at the National Press Club to face a hostile onslaught of questions from members of the hoaxing […]

Listen to MAGA Mindset, read by Stefan Molyneux, for Free
There’s no way MAGA Mindset will be approved on Audible before the election, and Stefan Molyneux and I agreed that the message is too important to delay. […]