Podesta Spirit Cooking Emails Reveal Clinton’s Inner Circle as Sex Cult with Connections to Human Trafficking

Clinton’s inner circle includes child traffickers, pedophiles, and now members of a “sex cult,” the recent Podesta emails from Wikileaks reveals.

An email to John Podesta reads, “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”

Marina Abramovic, pictured below with the occult symbol Baphomet, is pictured below.

During their sex cult practice, Spirit Cooking includes chanting,

With a sharp

knife cut deeply into the

middle finger of your

left hand

eat the pain.

Popularized by Marina Abramovic, Spirit Cooking is an occult practice used during sex cult rituals, as explained in the book “Spirit cooking with essential aphrodisiac recipes” by Abramovic.

Those brainwashed by hoaxing media will find this outrageous, until they watch the video from a 1997 “performance.” Occult symbolism, as I’ve reported on extensively, is done openly to taunt the public. It’s a form of power and control. Secret Societies do not want to remain secret.


Spirit Cooking also includes symbolic acts of cannibalism, as you can see in this NSFW video.

Add “Spirit Cooking” to the latest sex cult practices of the Clinton inner circle, which also includes child trafficking.

Additional emails from the release reveal Hillary’s efforts to protect Laura Silsby, who was caught trafficking 33 children from Haiti. Where were those children being smuggled to?

Perhaps those children were destined for Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedophile island,” a sex cult resort that Bill Clinton visited dozens of times. Notably, Clinton refused to allow his Secret Service detail to accompany him several times.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by FoxNews.com.

Julian Assange claimed that the Wikileaks would send Hillary Clinton to prison. The releases initially disappointed many people, this reporter included, as the evidence of corruption was slim.

Assange was right. The real story was hidden in view.

These Podesta emails detail connections to sex cults and human trafficking, and we should focus less on Clinton Cash style corruption and more on the Clinton Foundation’s sale of children to Saudi pedophiles.

Cassandra Fairbanks reported that some have seen a code for child sex trafficking in the Podesta emails.




Mike Cernovich:

View Comments (674)

  • My heart aches for these children...entire thing is revolting...just sickening. I hope every sordid detail is laid bare to see about these VILE people.

  • Books will be written on these events, movies will be made. History scholars will study the Clinton Crime Cartel for decades if not centuries.

    • What is coming is the shift into the Age of Aquarius. We are looking at change incomprehensible to most humans. Disclosure and how "they" intertwine with everything is also coming. Talk about unraveling the paradigm for most humans-well it's coming.

    • Only if Trump wins.

      If the Dems manage to steal it the FBI will be purged and the establishment's mocking banshees will turn the email investigation into a punchline like they did with Benghazi and the IRS abuse.

    • I'm trying to follow everything. Right now, all the details are easily remembered because its current. Need to get best sense of the big picture as it happens, so I can later be best possible judge of what gets written. So much is interconnected - Epstein, media collusion, DoJ, FBI, congressional hearings, wikileaks, election rigging, threats of act of war by Biden, build up against Russia, Obama, Comey ..... could keep going.

      Once election is over, those connections that are obvious now will fade.

      • God isn't real? Cool. That means racism and homophobia aren't immoral. They're just evolved survival instincts.

        • God has nothing to do with homophobia or racism. If you are racist and homophobic, it means you're a human turd with no character. Good luck with that. Xxoo

          • Too bad anyone taking something a vaper says seriously is deranged, or you'd have a point.

          • Loser Chris talking about his chick magnets on Danger and Play thread?! I think he's lonely and looking for someone. Any takers? Didn't think so, he looks creepy.

          • First let me ask: "What is racism?" The word and accusation of "racism" is like ketchup - you can put it on anything and if you ask for proof (definition, specifics etc) you are "racist". Is scientific findings in HBD "racist"? Is the results of FOUR different IQ tests "racist"? Is pattern recognition of ethnic group behaviour "racist"? If you present fact that is contrary to the Narrative is it "racist"? "Racist" & "racism" gets redefined by the Left on a daily basis- it is a formless gormless ad hominem to shut off healthy debate. It is based on the lie of equality. Nature abhors the very concept of equality.
            Next let me ask what is "homophobia"? A word that contains the mythical "phobia" would suggest either an irrational fear or a mental affliction. However when one takes into consideration the destruction that the Gay agenda has wreaked upon Western civilization (and I'm not going to go into the plethora of social ills it has resulted in) the fear was neither irrational nor a mental affliction as it was very, very real.
            I therefor suggest that you are just another useless tool sprouting pre-programmed slogans without the ability to logically reason what you are saying

          • Dear god, you tend to ramble incoherently. Don't hate based on skin color, pretty simple. Do better, man. Xxoo

          • Deflecting without answering one of my questions. Go figure - a libtard that can't answer anything

          • Aren't you supposed to be "bug-chasing?"

            Hope you catch one soon! :D

          • Why shouldn't I hate? There's no God or ultimate morality that says hate is wrong. The only thing that matters is whether my genes survive or not. If hate enables my genetic line to survive, hate is good. Stop being such a superstitious silly!

          • All emotionl response has a basis in adaptiation to the environment for the purpose(s) of survivial. Fear, rage, hatred all serve obvious biological / evolutionary / engineering design objectives. So what?

          • If you reject an ultimate Goodness as a moral reference, you lose the ability to make any value judgements at all. Calling someone a human turd becomes simply your opinion, which only means something if you have the power to physically force it on others. Which you clearly don't.

          • Ahh yes, realizing your atheistic world view is illogical and you have no rational argument for it, you revert to name calling.

            You're not enlightened. Your ilk is a dime a dozen. A product of propaganda. Good luck in fantasy though.....

          • Nah, I don't believe in fantasies, most smart folks don't. Good luck with heaven and all that jazz. Xxoo

          • I guarantee that you'll be praying to sweet Jesus on your deathbed or when your life flashes before your eyes, but them it'll be too late. lol. You ignorant turd.

          • Nah, I'll just sip my coffee and laugh at all the white trash Trump supporters. But know this, you believe in fantasies, I believe in science. Xxoo

          • That's pretty shortsighted thinking there, ace, but understandable.

            You're too obtuse to see it, but you could be sitting at a red light or walking down the sidewalk and your life can change in the blink of an eye, without warning, and without any participation required by you. It's happened to better men than you.

            *Then* you'll clearly understand what I'm talking about... and it'll be too late.

            Can't say I'm sorry when it happens to A-holes like you. lol.

          • Your opinion is meaningless. You're nothing more than a white trash moron. Have a lovely day. #I'mWithHer. #Clinton Xxoo

          • Your opinion is meaningless.

            ...said the insipid, low-information KKKlinton KKKriminal supporter as he regurgitates his "opinion" that was force-fed to him by the establishment.

            LOL! Putz.

          • Oh hey, the racist turd who won't use his real name and image. Coward. You don't exist. Just an avatar. A nobody. Invisible. A turd. Lmfao. Xxoo

          • Coward

            ...types the anonymous a-hole on his Cheetos and DNA-stained keyboard, basking in the glow of his CRT monitor, safe from all the "triggers" that cause him to leak from from his flaccid anal sphincter.


          • Interesting how you disappeared from the comments right after Hillary lost. Which suggests you're no ordinary runny stool.

            You're a *paid* runny stool.

            Well, go run.

          • Disappeared? No, I just don't send creepy comments constantly, like you. Trump is already softening his stances. You lose xxoo

          • Interesting. You know absolutely nothing about my specific political views, yet presume to know how I feel about Trump. It's exactly assholes like you who *inspire* people to vote for Trump.

          • Nah, racists and misogynists voted for Trump. And cowards who use fake names on here. Those afraid to own their bigotry. Those afraid to reveal themselves because they know that their views are ugly and outdated. You all are cowards. You hide. You are digital stains, nothing more. You don't exist in the real world. A crackpot avatar is your endgame. How very sad. Welp, time for coffee and a vape. Xxoo

          • Why are you so fucking interested in my identity, asshole? Quite frankly, I'm an absolute nobody. I represent no one, I have no power, I have no supporters, I have no funders, and my identity is absolutely meaningless.

            The only people interested in my identity are fascist assholes like yourself who, if they knew where I worked or where I lived, would do grievous harm to me, my livelihood, and my family.

            So fuck you asshole.

          • I'm eating a tuna sandwich with guacamole. A glass of chai. Nothing changes for me just like nothing changes for you. He's already softening all his stances that you voted for. lmfao. Silly, white trash racists. Xxoo

          • I'm eating a tuna sandwich

            The smell reminds you of your m.o.t.h.e.r, I take it?

            I pray that you choke on it :)

          • You mean you don't believe in racial equality, which has been disproven by science? Cool. Me neither.

          • Chris - you opinions here are awfully wrong..... but I won't reduce myself to calling you a 'turd'. What you are is a sinner -- one who needs to repent or self-worship and that needs to trust in Jesus. You are a person of value, divinely given life by God. Repent and trust in Jesus.

          • Your opinion is meaningless. You believe in fairy tales. Science has disproven everything you believe in. Sorry. Xxoo

          • Science has proved that black people's low intelligence is heritable. It also proves that our natural suspicion toward people who look different from us is a healthy survival instinct. It also proves that homosexual men are a critical disease vector in society, and that humans' natural aversion to sodomy helps prevent the spread of deadly disease.

          • wait what are you talking about? the africans at my school are the smartest kids here (nigerians etc) and take the hardest classes. and africa brought civilization to europe. look at all the stuff black people invented (like the cotton gin - which was really invented by a slave then the owner took credit and patented). sounds like you have a lot of reading to do. you would know that homosexuality (not that i'm for or against it) has existed since around the 7th century and was often a part of apprenticeship in greece

          • In other words, remove God -- i.e., an absolute standard -- and we quickly revert to jungle state: Might makes right. Which is why atheism always eventually leads to totalitarianism and mass murder. Just ask 80 million dead Slavs, Chinese and Cambodians.

          • I'm not a racist, but if racism existed, and there is no God, there could not possibly be anything wrong with it. One tribe thinks it's tribe is superior to another tribe, and doesn't like them. Seems pretty natural, and would be an evolutionarily wired instinct. if you were at all a rational atheist, you wouldn't have such a problem with this.

            If homophobia actually exists, which I'm assuming you mean a fear of homosexuals as the word implies, it would be pretty stupid to hate the homophobic. Who hates someone for being afraid of something? If someone had arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, what sense would it make to look down on them for it?

          • Nah, I wake up every single day not hating folks based on skin color. Try it sometime, you might become a better human. Also, brevity is required in responses. Xxoo

          • I guess reading is not your strong suit. I said I was not a racist, so telling me I should try not hating people based off skin colour, just goes to show you can't read very well.

            I said you have no rational basis for condemning racism if there is no God. You're morality is inherited from your environment, or was evolutionarily hardwired into you.

            If a different race evolved differently, or was raised in a different environment, they aren't any less than you are because they are hardwired for racism. Ironically, your view that your view makes you a "better human" is itself racist if there is no God.

          • Brevity, man. Damn. Rationalize your nonsense all you want, I really couldn't possibly care less about your incoherent word vomit. I'm working on my fantasy roster. Have a lovely day. Xxoo

          • I guess that was your code for "I can't at all refute what you said, so I'll just throw the word "incoherent" out there and hope people don't realize I'm projecting". Project all you want, my arguments still stand.

            You might as well work on something else that won't force your brain to have to work this hard. Go back to your roster. Rational atheism is difficult.

          • Nah, it's code for not wanting to spend any significant amount of time debating a long-winded crackpot who doesn’t have the ability to be concise in thought. Xxoo

          • This crackpot is a successful billionaire businessman that employ the women and minorities Hilarity seeks to purchase with more empty leftist promises.

          • He's a deranged racist who attracts other deranged racists like you and the other morons on here. Xxoo

          • maybe ole chrissy boy is afraid of people of color he prob was with a do good group in iraq and lost his cherry with a young arab boy like the people he defends SORRY the guy is a left wack job

          • Calling someone a racist anymore is code for...
            "I'm a spineless coward and have zero intelligent argument"

          • No, quite frankly you are. It's amazing how Trump has hired so many people of different races, religion, gender and so forth, and yet all you can do is vomit msm points.

            He has women of all races making more than or equal to men in the same fields. He took the city council to court in Florida so people of color and Jewish ancestry could become members of his club, and yet here you are regurgitating lies all to make you feel better in voting for a criminal.

            It's amazing how Trump was the poster boy for the msm until he decided to run for office, and now all of a sudden he's racist? Give me a break. If you are as smart as you claim, one would think you could see the writing on the wall. The hag is the worse choice for presidency and Trump is a good man with great kids who will and can MAGA.

            You're a troll with grandiose ideas of yourself. You come across as pathetic.

          • Wow,you're obviously a fudge packing @ss pirate. I suspect your fantasy roster is composed mainly of Chippendale dancers and ice skaters.

          • You've made some very interesting posts here, Chris. Sort of textbook examples of the bigot thinking he's so superior to the people he hates.

          • Because of intolerant people such as yourself that would probably like to see us get fired or attacked in some way, we have to do the intelligent thing and protect our identity. It isn't courageous to use your real name when you are just regurgitating the status quo.

          • No, you hide because you're embarassed by your own beliefs. Anybody in the world can say horrific things when their identify is obscured. True courage is shouting your beliefs for all to see. Only cowards hide. And you most certainly are a massive coward. You fool no one. We see you. Xxoo

          • "Anybody in the world can say horrific things when their identify is obscured."

            Oh, so THAT's your explanation for why the NAACP sued the state of Alabama to protect the anonymity of its donors in 1958, is it??? Because the things the NAACP was saying at that time were "horrific"??? Aren't you the racist pig!

          • Yes, *I'm* a "white trash turd who hides" because I cite Supreme Court cases upholding the constitutional right to remain anonymous in order to protect one's life, property and livelihood from fascist bigots like you. What a complete and utter moron you are.

            Oh, and your writing sucks. "LMFAO", "GTFO" -- where *do* you come up with these original gems?

          • Hmm, my writing has been published and won comps. How about yours? Gtfo. Clown. You hide because you're a joke. A turd. A coward. I see you. We all see you, coward. Xxoo

          • well then since your so educated how many syrians LIVE IN YOUR HOUSE GOTTA HELP MANKIND AND KEEP RACIST AT BAY

          • Lots of shit writers get their stuff published and win competitions. If you were any good (which you aren't, because I've read your shit), you wouldn't have to supplement your income posting illiterate rants on the internet for George Soros. Pathetic.

          • P.S. Maybe I missed it, but could you please explain why you think blacks who supported the NAACP anonymously in 1958 are "turds who hide"?

          • Printed on toilet paper isn't published.It's being used isn't winning anything.Nothing I've seen you write would win any prize except the,'Don't let this happen to you.' award in a real contest.Maybe it was a Nobel prize.They seem to get passed out pretty easily these days.

          • What have you published, "101 ways Chris failed to commit suicide, the truth, close does not win in the game of death" ?

          • Bless it. In your Flash Fiction group? Or maybe the Red Fez page. Bless it. Maybe you should be what you claim...just another moody introvert. ;)

          • Bless it? Yep, I'm exactly who I said I was. Been in Red Fez and dozens of other journals. Print too. And yes, I'm a moody introvert. Xxoo

          • i am with you i am a racist white trash that wants to keep the worlds head choppers out of here and that dumbass wants them here i just slap the bitch asked him how many of color people shares his house

          • hey you lousy prick how many people of color do you share your house with you and the muslim in charge flood us with the one culture that chants death to america if your that dumb please dont include us your self serving b/s

          • Watching cuck porn

            You sure do project your inner desires quite a bit.

            Of course, your IQ is too low to understand what that means or catch yourself even if you did.

          • are you giving detailed instructions to your own success of crackpot brain deletion, I think you might not have succeeded as much as you would think, you are still posting your BS. LMAO

          • I've actually used my real identity before, but I realized how stupid that can be. I have posts under my real name, back when I was an atheist, that I would very much be embarrassed of today, but I can't delete them. I can still get them to pop up whenever I type in my name.

            Things you say on the Internet can be permanent. What happens if you change your mind? If I were to say run for some position, or try to get hired for a job, if some people were to Google my name they'd think I was something I'm not anymore.

            I have no problem sharing my beliefs with some friends and co-workers, but I don't care to be targeted my SJWs that would take my words out of context. Even you accused me of hating people for their skin colour, after I said I wasn't racist, so why would I trust you or any SJW with my real name?

          • Sorry, not buying it but I do appreciate your reasoning. Flawed reasoning imo. I stand by everything I say. And if I say something awful enough to prevent future employment, then so be it. Such is life. But I'll never be censored. Ill never hide. Ill never be an internet coward.

          • You're confusing a lack of shame with courage. I would find it shameful and something to be embarrassed about, if I went around calling people "turds" on the internet. I certainly wouldn't want my future children to see me treating people in such a way.

            I doubt you have high aspirations where anyone would even bother Googling your name to check out your character. They certainly wouldn't think you had great character if they saw your general behavior.

            You feel comfortable putting your name out there, precisely because you are not courageous. You aren't saying anything revolutionary. "Don't hate people based off skin color". Wow Chris, how courageous of you. They might fire you for that one. You are regurgitating the status quo and PC talking points. Anyone can pretend they are not a coward with talking points like that. Either low aspirations, immaturity, or a short time preference would explain your behavior.

          • A lot of words just to say you're a coward. Lol. Sad. Some folks actually know me online due to writing comps and whatnot. And my kids think I'm awesome because I spend time with them and I teach not to hate based on skin color. Your opinion means nada. Stop hiding. Stop being a turd. Do better, babe. Xxoo

          • I guess some of the big words went over your head. Actually come up with an intelligent argument for what I said, or go back to behaving like an imbecile, but don't pretend like you're being courageous.

            Is it courageous to call someone a "turd" over the safety of the internet? Of course not. You wouldn't in a million years say that to my face unless you felt there were people around to protect you. You are the epitome of cowardice. You are simply projecting.

            I don't hate people based off skin colour. It takes no courage to say that. I could put my name and face on a billboard with that headline, and have nothing to ever worry about. If you think it makes you courageous to regurgitate PC talking points, then you must not think courage is anything worth striving for. Try saying something revolutionary, or against the status quo, and not through the safety of the internet, and you can talk about how courageous you think you are.

          • Big words? From you? Please lol. I use my real name. You don't use your real name. One of us is more courageous than the other. (Me) One of us owns what he says. (Me). One of us is a cowardly turd. (You). And I'm 6'4" and played sports my entire life, you really think I wouldn't say something to your face? Lol. You don't know me very well then. Ive confronted numerous people over the years, to their face, over racism. They always backed down, just like you would. Xxoo

          • For one thing, confronting me on racism was not at all what you've been doing, as I haven't been racist. I'm also not white, in case that wasn't something you were aware of, so I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to go through your usual bag of tricks to label me without experiencing some kind of cognitive dissonance.

            I said you wouldn't call me a "turd" to my face, especially for no reason. You would have to have some kind of mental disorder if you were doing that, so I would probably back away from your lanky frame out of the thinking that you're probably insane, which is what most people probably do, which you mistake as cowardice.

            You also indirectly revealed to me that you are a coward. You said you wouldn't be afraid to confront me, then cited your height and past sports involvement. You admitted that because of your height, you would not be afraid to say such things to my face. Which is code for admitting that you will bully or intimidate people because of whatever height or physical advantages you might have over them.

            You are a coward through and through. I've actually proved it. All you can do is talk, and make baseless accusations.

          • Post your pic. You say you're not white, so let's see. Maybe you're lying? And twist it all you want. Rationalize all you want. We both know you're the coward. You talk tough, I challenge you and you back off. I reveal myself on here, you don't. You're just an avatar, nothing more. You're afraid to own your thoughts. That's the very definition of a coward. You tire me with your drivel. You bore me with your nonsense. I am courageous and you're a frightened child. End of story. But, I most certainly would confront you because I stand up for myself. You? An avatar. A nobody. You don't exist. You are dismissed. Xxoo

          • I have no reason to lie about not being white. My parents are both immigrants from India. Though I was born and raised in Canada.

            You're just projecting again. You don't have an argument, and are a proven coward. I provided proof in my earlier post. You just have baseless assumptions. And you continue to ignore my arguments because you can't refute any of it. Repeating a lie over and over again isn't going to make it come true, no matter what mental gymnastics you try and engage yourself in.

          • You are dismissive of anyone you disagree with.That's not the mark of an open,curious mind.Or an active,intelligent mind.What medications do that to a rational...oh,wait,liberal mind?

          • Post your pic

            Of course, there's no way of verifying if that's your real info or pic, so you need to post your home address, phone and email so we can check if you're lying.

            And BTW, if that is you, you look exactly fitting of your self-description of a fudgepacker and boy-rhaper.

          • Um, it's me dumbass. How about you, care to reveal yourself to the world? Bah, you won't because you're nothing more than a cowardly, racist turd. An avatar. A nodody. You don't matter to anyone. Eat a gun, yes?xxoo

          • I think you're late for your "fisting" party, tiger lily. And don't forget to stock up on your Attends for your blown-out anal sphincter ;)

          • Ahhh, so that's a no on revealing yourself. Typical racist turd. Enjoy your life as a nodody. A shadow. A nameless digital stain. You are dismissed. Xxoo

          • SO, after your "bug-chasing" party when you "caught one" and then you later infected your mother/sister, how much Cialis© did you have to take and will you all qualify for increased SSI checks now?

          • Your obsession with me is a bit creepy. Sorry, I don't date racist turds. Look, I get you. You're lonely and unloved. You lash out at folks who are better than you, like me. You have no hope or ambition. I get it. Maybe therapy would help you. I'm rooting for you, fo shizzle. Xxoo

          • Your obsession with me is a bit creepy

            ... says the bug chaser who has to go tit-for-tat on every one of my posts.


          • So being a taller guy than some and playing sports makes you a smarter guy?The whole having a point to make idea must go right over that inflated head.Being a buffoon is not the same thing as being intelligent.

          • You are officially dismissed. You're not ready to sit at the big boy table. Enjoy your evening, buddy. Xxoo

          • That's your code for "I couldn't refute his arguments, only insult him at best, I better go now before I continue to look stupid".

          • F----- HIM HES just a self pat me on the back wack job i have ask him 4 times how many syrians does he have in his house and we all know the answer

          • Shut up Chris! I'm a legal immigrant, brown, speak english as a 2nd language, came from the largest muslim country in the world. You're a white racist liberal and so freakin annoying. Say something against me will make you not just racist But a jerk!

          • Just exercising my constitutional right to anonymity, jerk-off, so fascist assholes like you don't stalk me and throw burning aborted fetuses on my lawn.

            Oh, and "LMAO" -- how original, asshole. Whatever Soros is paying you to deposit your runny stools on this website, it's too much. You're a clown. Go f*ck yourself.

          • He's a troll with only 66 comments to his supposed real name. His favorite word is 'incoherent'. And he likes calling everyone he disagrees with a racist and bigot.

            Please don't feed the trolls. You're good at giving it to the idiot, but he will never ever learn.

          • Sure. You have so much to do that you WASTED YOUR TIME on attempting to TELL others what THEY should believe in!!!


          • yeah whats with that the guy gotta be a hillary diaper worshiper his screen saver is hillary and his keyboard is -----------well

          • save your breath, look at this clown. Probably hasn't kissed a girl yet, that's why he's a miserable fucking asshole. oh wait HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...HA

          • "being owned is kinda exhilarating."

            More racy talk from greybeard. He wants you to know that he's like, totally into SEX!

            He's moved on since high school. The new and improved older Chris sometimes gets totally LAID! If only the guys in high school could see him now! Old, single, experienced with big black women, and experienced enough with S&M to know that, like, "being owned is kinda exhilarating."

            He LOVED reading Fifty Shades of Grey along with all the other Ohio housewives.

            AH HA HA HA HA!

          • Actually, I'm reading Girl on a Train. Pretty solid so far. What are you doing, playing video games? Xxoo

          • Wow, your taste in literature is horrible. Are you going to see the movie when you finish to book? Probably can't afford movie tickets. Get a job, Loser Chris.

          • I read everything. Let me guess, you're reading an obscure Russian novel just so you can mention it on Facebook? Typical. I read to escape. And I read whatever I desire. Gone Girl was fab btw. Xxoo

          • Wait, do you understand my pseudonym? Wow, I've been trolling you all morning and you just realized?? You're not very smart or well read.

          • I don't pay any attention to your name. Lol. You probably read garbage but act like you only ancient texts sheathed in vellum. Pro tip: Just because a book is old and respected, doesn't mean it's actually good. Think for yourself. Also, no pic? So I can assume you're not easy on the eyes? Xxoo

          • Wow, Loser Chris hasn't read one of the greatest works of the 20th century. He doesn't understand my pseudonym. Not smart or well read.
            Oh and Loser Chris, I don't put a picture of myself up cause I am not flaunting my physically attractiveness in an effort to find some ass to slam on a Danger and Play thread. I know you like me so sorry.

          • You're such a sheep. Damn. "Greatest" lmfao. It must be true then. You're as pathetic as it gets. And we both know you're ugly. Just admit it. It's okay to be ugly. Xxoo

          • Chris you're a loser and therefore sheep. You already admitted it to me. Why are you calling me pathetic? Probably psychological projection.

            Who cares what I look like? I'm not on here looking for sex like you are.

          • Lmfao. I'm married, doofus. Look, try moisturizer and toner, might help with the whole ugly thing. Or just become a hermit. Ha. Have a lovely day. Time for lunch xxoo

          • Haha you are such a loser. I'm not on here soliciting sex, so why would I need a picture of myself? Enjoy your afternoon nap, Loser!

          • In words of Molyneux: "Not an argument." Calling people "ugly" is an ignorant person's way of saying "I'm not smart enough to either shut up or offer a counter-argument/rebuttal."

          • Molyneux is great, but Loser Chris Milam is just on here trolling. Not looking for civil discussion or argument. We should treat him accordingly.

          • In the words of Chris Milam, "I couldn't possibly care less what racist Trump supporters think." And D'Anconia is ugly. Just using facts. Xxoo

          • Aw can little loser Chris not fall asleep for his afternoon nap? Did I upset you too much? And we can see you're an ugly troll. You don't know what I look like, creep.

          • You say loser a lot. Projecting??? My point is don’t knock my pic if you won't reveal yourself. So hypocritical. But, I sank to the immature level of most folks on here, and I apologize for that. Xxoo

          • Wow, you're just copying me cause you can't think of an original comeback. Proof you're not smart, and you're just an average loser like you admitted to being earlier. I told you who what I am.

            And I will knock your pic all I want. You made it public. Try to stop me.

          • I'm married

            Who wore the chastity belt over their bunghole on your wedding night - you or your husband?

          • I love Chris's constant insistence that he's handsome. It's so funny. Just IMAGINE how handsome Chris was 15 years ago before his beard turned grey. Don't worry, Chris. It's not too late for you. I'm sure Hamilton, Ohio is FULL of smart, beautiful, childless women seeking older men for friendship or something more. Best of luck!

          • Go Chris! A greybearded lonelyheart who challenges other men to attractiveness contests. That is a GREAT LOOK for you! I'm sure you'll find a great gal someday! It's not too late!

            The hot young girls are all married off to Trump supporters. But there are plenty of older, more sexually experienced, single mothers out there who might be open to you if you could provide some financial support. Don't give up! Children of color are usually without father figures--maybe you could make yourself useful that way?

            Poor Chris. He sure brings a special style to online debates. Most people debate based on logic. Clinton supporters lately have added the cute approach of assuming that anyone who doesn't like their Crooked candidate must be an ignorant redneck. But Chris is the only male I've ever encountered online who thinks his physical appearance can overcome the weakness of his arguments. A bizarre approach, particularly in his particular case.

            Chris, you should seriously rethink your lifestyle. Why not try to settle down with a wife. You've clearly got a lot of pent-up, um, energy. You've spent the morning bragging about getting women of color to sit on your face and challenging men to beauty contests. What is wrong with you?

            You're acting like ths guy, even though you're old enough to be his dad:


          • Chris is totally free. Free to "read whatever he desires." And to use the word "fab". How I envy him!

            AH HA HA HA HA!

            Are there others like you in Hamilton, Ohio? Middle aged singletons with bizarrely unmerited superiority complexes?

            Chris thinks that SOME people are beneath him, and play video games. And SOME people are snobs, who read literature. But CHRIS is juuuuuuust right. Escaping his loneliness by reading middlebrow novels and letting everyone know that just because a middle-aged greybeard is single doesn't mean he doesn't have sexual experience. He totally does!

            Chirs, your string of posts today is really weird. A fascinating psychological case study.

          • HOW ABOUT IT HES GOTTA BE ONE OF THE WACK JOB TEACHERS ever listen to news and you hear some farout statement on the news and you look up its some crazy professor from some big college no wonder we are so jacked

          • Wow. You ARE super cultured. Maybe you ARE really smart after all?

            Best-selling thriller Girl on a Train? The basis for the major motion picture? Maybe I misjudged you?

            AH HA HA HA HA!


          • You can send me your wife if need be. I'm sure you're a bit pedestrian in the bedroom. Ill let you watch a real man do his thing...xxoo

          • Wait I thought you were a queer, I get it your wife doesn't know yet, and your still in the closet. It's ok Chris all your pedophile and cross dressing friends will be quite accepting of you once you come out.

          • Brevity would also mean that you don't post 60 comments to a single article. Lots of time on your hands. Sad.

          • You don't seem to understand the definition of brevity. Sad. But Ive got time to kill before my afternoon nap. No biggie. Xxoo

          • Loser Chris, I already told you that I'm not into you. Stop trying to flirt with me. What a misogynist.

          • Loser Chris is on a Danger and Play thread of an article on sex cults flaunting how attractive he thinks he is. Pretty sure he's a sexual degenerate.

          • If your queen is elected how long do you think it will be before ISIS gets in? They just love the unarmed homosexuals of America...will they be going to your house first? Why is it okay for extremist muslims to be homophobes that you WANT to cross our borders but no one else can have a sane, calm biblical opinion of something that has gives 1 in 5 gay men AIDS? Liberals first language is jack-assery...that's all I can come up with.

          • Question: if you're so morally above reproach and more enlightened than us "Trump supporters," how is it you're trolling this site AND engaging (and re-engaging) in discourse w/ us "Deplorables"? Perhaps stop insulting people and consider your own motivations and seemingly desperate need for attention that prompt you to travel into Dante's Inferno where clearly your "values" don't belong.

          • hey chris i am a full blown racist why sholud we keep importing third world human trash for the democrats voting block they dont take them you dont take them but you lefty wack jobs want us to deal with some one that has 8 kids never seen a modern bathroom and grew up watching there neighbors chopping heads off so why should us americans support the worlds jacked up countrys send them all back and defend theres like our great founders did but hillary and the dems need the votes TRAITORS THEY ARE

          • White trash are the mass murderers in this country, not immigrants. Muslims are good people. You are a pile of human garbage. Please, leave our country and let some intelligent immigrants take your place. Thanks. Xxoo

          • Muslims are good people

            Yes! PLEASE go to a mozlem hellhole. They will give you free flying lessons off of the "highest tower" (Koran 12, 2)

          • Grammar lessons from someone who lacks the ability to make a point.It would be a perverse pleasure if you really were an award winning writer.That would explain so much about the state of modern day literature.

          • Chris - any activity that involves the word "fantasy" and eleven dudes is kinda weird. Just a heads up.

          • I noticed our country start to go downhill after we abandoned God. When we were a Protestant/Christian nation, that's when we were the strongest and most prosperous. We became the greatest superpower in human history during that era.

            It has only been within the past 50 years that we gradually turned our back on God to become the hedonistic secular society we are today - and we've been circling the drain ever since, on the verge of collapse as we rot from within.

            Restoring our Christian roots of high moral virtue, honor, and integrity (especially within government!) will be the only way to prevent our impending demise. America won't survive much longer on the godless, corrupt track that we're on. Our days are numbered if we don't turn back to God - and fast.

          • You're argument is terrible.

            Morality is conceptual, not biological. Emotions are a product of biological evolution to sustain and advance life. Morality is a system used to define our emotions. Now, emotions are influenced by knowledge. So, as more knowledge becomes available our concept of morality develops. Last, accountability comes from the willful ignorance and acts againt the contemporary concept of morality.

            Discrepancies in morality exist as a result of the ignorance, willful or otherwise, of one or both parties. You know like how God was down for slavery but science and logic proved the fallacy of significant separation between races and eugenics.

            Your God didn't create morality, he rides it's coattail, having his words altered and reinterpreted by our growing understanding of the world. Morality and God are both products of man but only one is useful to accept.

          • Well I guess it's always nice when someone doesn't understand your argument so they start off with calling it "terrible".

            For one thing, if morality is a system used to define our emotions, it is entirely subjective. That was exactly the kind of morality I was talking about would exist if there was no God. Some people feel very different emotions to the same subject based off their environment growing up. You could not rationally look down on cannibalism, as different races, through their environment, have come to experience very different emotions from yourself. It is not just different knowledge, but a different environment.

            If there is no God, there is no objective standard of moral values. Knowledge, such as knowledge of God, can very much influence emotion and behavior, but if God does not exist, then the interpretation of any knowledge is subjective.

            The British went around trying to stop the slave trade, ships carrying slaves. They did it because of their Christian morality. That all people were made in the image of God was enough for them.

          • No, you just wake up and hate people based on their religion, right Chris? Try diversity, instead, and quit hating people at all.

          • Oh no, the bigot called me a turd and it hates me....whatever will I do. Try love....hate sucks. YYypp

          • Imagine that, the liberal bigot called me a RACIST turd, now LOL. I am not voting for a racist, Killery is the only racist in this election. Yypp

          • Hate? So we can't "hate" people who try to destroy us...but you can hate us who try to preserve a country that our forefathers fought and died for? No, sorry I hate you...

          • MC lays out a very interesting thought experiment, including God in the mix. As a teacher for immigrants I see his point proved on a daily basis, based on where the immigrants come from and which religion they have. Most hate and racism in children - learned from young age comes from arab muslims. And albanian, macedonian. They hate blacks. See them as animals. Christian girls, women are whores. On and on and on. Its stunning the pure hatred and disgust these people show against the people which rescued them and gave them a new beginning, a home, free education and health service. And extremely handsome monthly payouts, many for rest of their lifes. Hate, as I never seen before. Yes, I'm Norwegian, from the least racist country on the planet, least homophobic. Not anymore, hate, vicious evil violent racist hate is imported. Hate against jews, women, homosexuals, christians, budhists, hindus ad infinitum. Hate exist. Fear exist. Racism exist. For a short while we managed as a homogenus society to get rid of it. Divercity equals hate and racism. Its growing with approxity. Divercity > approxity > war. Its in the human nature. For a short periode the belif in God turned the hate around. Identity politics now rule where God ones ruled, and a war is coming. The muslim children are prepared, growing up to hate.

          • You just say the right things so that people don't suspect that you're bigoted. It's easy to fool low IQ people like yourself.

          • Loser Chris, what happened to your heart full of love? Can't find the slam of your dreams on a Danger and Play thread about Spirit Cooking? I'm so sorry.

          • Chris, there is more to life than skin color. I don't see anyone here, except you, talking hateful OR Mentioning skin color. You are so irrelevant. Yammering on about your own thoughts, as if someone else put some of that out there.
            LOL - what a hate filled bigot

          • Oh Jeffrey. The guy who wrote this article is known as a massive racist. But you're okay with that, right? And you're okay with voting for a misogynistic racist for President, right? I see you, friend. I see you. You are the worst of the worst. You sicken me and anyone with a soul. Take care. Be a better human. Xxoo

          • Oh Loser Chris. You love being dominated by men and women alike in sex cult rituals. You try to find partners on Danger and Play and flaunt how attractive you think you are. You don't sicken anybody with a soul, and you are not a degenerate human.

          • You and Jeffrey, both hiding your faces. I love it. This comment thread is filled with ugly racists. Lmao. Xxoo

          • Jeffrey and I, not soliciting sex. We really aren't concerned with the appearances of others. That would make us the opposite of racist. I know you want to see my brown skin. Sorry that you're upset that I don't like you. Unrequited love is tough, is that why you settled?

          • Please don't show up at my house in the midddle of the night. I'm not interested in racist women. Please go away. Thx. Xxoo

          • It is nice to see that all you can do is swallow, whole, what the media feeds you. Try being a better researcher and developing some deductive reasoning skills. Trump is far from a misogynist - however, Hitlery and Bill the rapist are. I am grateful, that a bigot like you is sickened by me. I hear that good has that effect on evil.

          • You sound like a man that is trying to convince YOURSELF that you are not racist or a homophobe. A little look in the mirror might be called for. Anyone that accuses others with no basis or talks like you is a person with something to hide. It is like the husband that accuses his wife of adultery when she is home with the kids all day and night while he is out screwing whatever breathes. Get my drift??

          • Look everybody! Chris is using my methods! I think he actually likes me. Sorry Chris, not interested as I mentioned earlier. Gonna have to go somewhere else for love.

          • No clue what that means. And let's be clear here: I don't know what you look like, where you live, or what you truly believe in. It's not possible to like you because of those reasons. Stop saying I do, when it's clearly incorrect. Xxoo

          • Not at all. Just can't wait until next week when all the crackpots delete their irrelevant accounts. Xxoo

          • I only hate the highly manipulative satanic aholes that want to import easily fooled, low IQ illiterate peasants to invade and replace whites for the purpose of obtaining and staying in political power. People like you.

            The FACT is people are not the same under the skin, rather IQ has a glaringly disparate distribution based on race. Kind like women are generally shorter than men.

          • Oh virtue signal some more Chris. Im sure Shady Z and his posse -down in the Red Hook projects would be so impressed. Go pay them a visit cracker

          • I don't speak neanderthal, buddy. Also, I don't speak white trash nonsense. Delete your pathetic mind. Xxoo

          • Your obsession with race is indicative of Democrat liberals who use minorities to project an image of self-righteousness. In truth, there is nothing good or righteous about someone who pretends to get upset over the N-word while having no emotional reaction to the hellish slaughter of full term infants.

            Thanks for the advice about becoming a better human but I seriously doubt you qualify as a proper example for anyone here. :)

          • But you wake up hating people anyway. We can read it in your disdainful posts. Haters gonna hate.

          • Nah, I only hate white trash heathens like you. Your life doesn’t matter. You are a ghost. A nobody. You don't exist xxoo

          • Shhhh don't talk about the arachnophobiacs , lol they haven't been put on Criminal Hillary's attack list yet, walk lightly or she might call another bought crooked department into action again, maybe EPA to poison our water supplies in protest of all spiders matter !!

          • Poor confused Chris. Cognitive dissonance. "My Queen Hillary would never have weird sex perverts in her inner circle." "God is dead and Sodomy must be celebrated." Um.

          • Where on earth did you get that from, try not being so.....idiotic. The sick bunch on BOTH sides of the ruling elite have blood and other nasty stuff all over their hands, AND pockets full to the brim of YOUR money. (As always a closed mind resorts to Ad hominem attacks because of lack of argument) You fall into the trap of believing that "your" side is whiter than white because they call themselves Christian. Well, if you look close enough you can see they are far from that. The fact someone does not hold the same belief as you does not make them wrong. If you are looking for cognitive dissonance you may need to look closer to home. Tell me, what is Christian about your lack of empathy to others, or your intolerance to someone else’s point of view? So called Christians these days don't appear to practise ANY of Christ's teachings, maybe you should read your bible and digest what is actually said rather than accepting what your bigoted preachers say. Dressing in finery and attending gatherings in a church does NOT make you a Christian. I believe that the Clintons are the embodiment of evil and have fooled, through media moguls, all of their supporters by using hooks that appeal to each demographic and their particular "cause". Just as the other side used Patriotism, Mom, apple pie and support of out troops dying in oil wars abroad. Your fellow countryman IS NOT the enemy, regardless of belief, the rich unprincipled elite IS.

          • Total failure at logical response.

            What is "character" then, if there is no objective measure for it, outside of a standard set by a God of some sort.

            If you for example travel around Asia a bit you will find that people see it as self evident that "their kind" is superior, and that intruders should stay out.
            Go to Japan or South Korea for example and you will find extreme ethno-centrism. With no shame about it.

            Bottom line is that humans are tribal people and always will be, it`s a fact of biology and evolution, but you are, as all SJW, really a superstitious person who deny basic facts of natural science.

            By the way, homosexual behaviour like anal sex etc. is not observed in nature, only submission that might mimic homosexuality.
            No hunter-gatherer tribes practice anal sex, nor do other primates, it is a pathology,(homosexuality) probably caused by endocrine disruptors in the modern western diet.

          • I stopped reading after the first sentence. Smart folks understand brevity. Might wanna work on that. Xxxoo

          • lol Chris there are going to be a lot of human turds with rope when all is said and done. enjoy your crackpot corner labeled NO PURPOSE.

          • I'd say that atheists are human turds. Just hanging around, floating, until they get flushed. No meaning in their sad little lives at all.

          • God hates homosexuality, do not fib on God, I have been a preacher for over 25 years. Hillary is a crook, who was dumb enough to place TOP SECRET Info on an unsecured server. Shes a thief and a liar, and you know this.

            I am a Milam also so Xxoo...........

            You have to quit denouncing and name calling other people who have a different opinion, that is rude, and very telling. Always be gracious my friend, even in dissent.

          • God isn't real so I don't care what he thinks about anything. And homosexuals are no different than you or I. Be a better human xxoo

          • That's actually false. Science has proven that homosexuals are more prone to mental illness and pedophilia. They also are one of the main disease vectors in society. And, of course, homosexuals are genetic dead-ends that evolution punishes harshly.

            Please stop being such a science-denying sillyhead! It's really not appropriate in modern, enlightened society!

          • Look at Chris Milam displaying the love of humanity that liberals are known for.
            LOL Go do your moral preening somewhere else dummy. We're not impressed with hypocrisy.

          • Oh, you're definitely impressed. Don't deny it, babe. But I'm not impressed by you racist turds. Ha. Xxoo

          • Your meltdown is delicious. You are to ignorant too see how you also use words to label and marginalize people. But your brown shirt on little boy while you are having your tantrum here. People like you have turned me away from a party I've supported for over 20 years. You are as nasty as the Bush republicans.

          • Your opinion is meaningless. Your life is meaningless. Eat a gun and make the world a better place, por favor. XXoo

          • Yes look at that milk of human kindness just dripping from your every pour. You're so good & smart and the rest of us are so bad & stupid.

          • PS: yes, paid Hillary CTR trolls -- joined April 2016, less than 150 comments -- is very impressive.

            And I give a fuck what a guy who supports a corrupt woman who left Americans to die in Benghazi, lied about it, then jailed an innocent man to cover it all up and thinks because ___? lol GFY

            You're cut from the same dumb cunt cloth as Hillary is.

          • Only voting Clinton because Trump is a human turd, like you. Delete your brain. You don't matter. Your voice is meaningless. Xxoo

          • You're voting for Clinton because you're a dumb cunt.
            Psst: what part of GFY did you think warranted a reply, moron?

          • GFY dumb cunt. No one gives a fuck what a loser deviant, defender of pedophiles like you says or does. So please keep replying. I know you can't stop yourself.

          • Gotta earn your CTR money from Hillary. A useless dumb cunt like you can't have a real job.
            Ha ha! You just proved you were thinking about me all night and I had completely forgotten about you. Sad.

          • Or I checked my emails and noticed you commented once again. You are obsessed with me. Seriously, I'm way too smart and way too good looking for you. Sorry, babe. You can’t have me. Xxoo

          • And you had to reply because you're a pervert stalker Plus you gotta get your coin from Hillary.
            Dumb cunts like you don't fool me.

          • He has 2 followers on Twitter, his mom and dad who incidentally vote for him when the racist wins his writing 'comps.'

          • God's word bluntly states that only a fool says "there is no God". Judgement is coming soon for those who have rejected Him.This is not up for debate no matter what you believe or disbelieve.Good luck with that. :)

          • You claim God isn't real, then you go on about what God has nothing to do with i.e. racism, homophobia, Trump

            I think you might not be real but if you are:

            You're that one dim bulb on the brightly lit Christmas Tree of life.

          • Lol!...

            No, it's called unconvincing.

            Such a drama queen you are, píssy chrissy.

            ... and still a dim bulb on the Christmas Tree.

          • Belief in God is the acknowledgment that the number one is...in fact...the NUMBER 1. Atheism is the belief in the PREEMINENCE OF INFINITY. This is self-contradictory and a denial of hierarchy itself. "Infinity" is a code word for "irrelevance". Hence, Atheists worship irrelevance. And sure enough, in the battle between Number 1 Christianity and Number 2 Islam, Atheism is indeed the Gary Johnson of the race, actually the Jill Stein, because she is similarly INNUMERATE.

          • Who are you talking to? God isn't real = science. Hating folks based on sexual preferences and skin hue = a massive lack of morals, intelligence, and character. Pretty simple xxoo

          • And I'm sure those being gassed to death during the holocaust begged for your God. He didn’t help because he's not real. Use your brain at least occasionally xxoo

          • You totally missed what I said. Being stupid and an a**hole is not going to work out very well for you in this life.

          • Working out fine. And if u believe in God, we know which one of us is stupid (you) Pro Tip: Think for yourself. Read more. Don't hate based on skin color. Don't be homophobic. In other words, be more like me. Yes? Xxoo

          • You forgot your #1 pro tip: Go to website where people are naturally going to disagree with you and troll in the most personal hurtful way possible. I would not call you smart at all. It's nice you think you are though I guess.

        • Arguing that life is less palatable, and humanity less honorable, without God isn't a valid argument that God exists or must exist.

      • Sorry but you seem to have the IQ of lint, did lying crooked Hillary know you were ignorant before she agreed to pay you some clinton ca$h to TROLL the internet for her, No wonder she is desperate and losing....

          • The one thing I take away from skimming over all these comments, aside from the fact that you have way too much time on your hands, is that the very tone and attitude/hatred reflected in your posts is a perfect example of someone who in fact doesn't believe in God. You're full of hate for no reason and spew it all over the internet as if you are somehow superior to everyone else. This is what you do with your time on earth, its pretty pathetic. You know what though, that's completely fine. You have every right not to believe and the freedom speech to be an asshole on the internet. But the people who do believe will be better off if and when the time should come, not only that but by believing and following God they will more than likely live happier less hate filled lives than yourself. No matter how you try to spin this, you come off looking like a complete asshole. And your words and attitude are a direct reflection of someone who isn't with God. And no matter what insult you choose to back at me with, it wont make up for the fact that you have zero proof that there isn't a God. Nobody does. But for those who have faith, and who have had eye opening experiencing in their lives, they choose to believe. And guess what? It makes no difference on your own miserable life. Happy Friday :) .. also maybe look into getting therapy yourself since and learn to be happy, because judging by your profile, no matter what the topic you treat people like shit and seem to be incapable of having a normal conversation.

          • Chris, it's cute that you think I care what some rando Christian crackpot has to say. Your opinion is meaningless. Your thoughts border on the infantile. You don't know me or have any insight into who I truly am. And you never will. Pray to your false god. Condemn the realists. Type thousands of words to make a silly point. Whatever. You don't matter, friend. You never will. Xxoo

      • Don't take this Chris Milam seriously, he's a hillbilly from Kentucky and can't get a woman. Maybe because he lives in his parents basement. Xxoo

        • Omg. S King posted a video of a racist Trump supporter getting his ass stomped by a black Taco Bell worker. Made my day!!! Wow. You guys are all cowards!!!! God, that video was awesome!!

          • Yup. Using lemongrass and grapefruit essential oils in the diffuser, listening to Soft Moon. Life is good! Xxoo

          • Sick! And on a Friday morning?!?! I doubt you make any money. You probably don't even have many real relationships in your life. Enjoy being a poor angry troll! xoxo

          • Lmao. Gym shorts and lounging on the couch. I love it. Money in the bank, love in the heart, and not working for someone else. Don't be jelly, girl. Xxoo

          • Hun, you live in Hamilton, OH. You sit at home on a Friday morning poking at people on online forums. You probably don't have much in the bank. If you did, you wouldn't live in Hamilton. You are a nobody. Not jealous. xoxo

          • I'm enjoying life by not being a sheep. I do what I please, no restraints. I'm known to a degree, but yes, most of us are nobodies, especially folks like you who hide behind a keyboard. Xxoo

          • If you're a nobody, you are part of the herd. Be somebody Chris. And until you are, stop acting like you're so much better than your equals. It's pathetic. xoxo

          • What leads a smart, handsome, 6'4" stud like yourself to stay single for so long and stay in Hamilton, Ohio for so long? You have so much confidence online, why not make some confident moves in real life? Why not move to the big city and try to meet a nice white girl with a college degree? Bet on yourself!

          • Hey freereel, I think he's trying to find love online. You can do that from anywhere. Too bad Loser Chris looks creepy.

          • And if you're truly attractive, you'll post your pic. If you're unattractive you won't. Ill be waiting... but I think I know which one you are. Xxoo

          • Work? Lol. You're funny in a delusional, creepy kinda way. Go work for the man as I chill out. Xxoo

          • Aw, look everybody, I think Loser Chris likes me!!! Sorry Loser Chris, I'm really not attracted to bums. Try Tinder, Grindr, or Spirit Cooking!

      • Chris, anyone who spends their time attempting to tell Christians WHAT to believe, has issues. You have every right to not believe. I HAVE A RIGHT TO BELIEVE IN THE LORD. Deal with it.

      • Too bad you'll never be happy or appreciate life because you don't believe in an afterlife. There is something to be said for having morals.

      • Chris Milam, what is your proof God isn't real? And before you respond that you can't prove a negative, I'll remind you that you made the claim. Therefore you must surely have some evidence to back that claim up?

        • There is zero proof that he exists. There is zero logic that he exists. He is a creation of the church, nothing more. But if folks believe, good for them. But don't hate folks because your Jesus would not approve.

      • Suckers. You might be here to learn something or contribute to a discussion, but CM is here to disrupt. His only goal is distract and obfuscate, that's what he's paid for. Don't fall for it.

      • I read your first post, and I knew you were uneducated, so I read some more of your posts to see just how uneducated you really are.From what I have read into your posts, you are an attention seeking, narrow minded, unsecure liberal with no mind of your own.You are a follower who doesn't know the big issues, so you just run on what MSM and your family tell you....Grow up, read something that will inform you .

      • The fact that you have a heart is enough to prove God is real. anyone who can live from their heart lives in peace with God. Trump supporters are simply trying to live from their heart by not letting this corruption rruin our country.

      • Riddle me this...If your queen is elected and ISIS is free to come to this country immediately, where do you think they will go first? Tennessee with people armed to the teeth or maybe, just maybe to an unarmed, homosexuals house? They just love homosexuals you know. Why is it liberals don't have a problem with radical jihadist being homophobes and want to welcome them with open arms? Jack-assery of the mind is all I can think of to explain it...truly boggles the mind of sane people

        • Um white men commit more mass murders in this country than anyone else. ISIS is not a threat. White men are the threat. Wake up, yo. Xxoo

          • Like I said...jack-assery. Hope Soros is paying you at least minimum wage...at the very least, you are an entertaining, albeit deranged, little troll

      • Well he obviously didn't give a fuck about you. Take a quick look in a mirror and see for yourself. Fucking serial-killer looking, creepy mf'er.

          • Shut the fuck up loser, why don't you "reveal" me your address then I'll let you look at me in person. And dude, you don't want me revealing my pic, it will only depress you when you realize how unfair God has been to you, LOL!

      • This thread needs to end (sorrynotsorry). Chris, you are amazing and God loves you. Everyone else, particularly those defending the existence of God with such vitriol, how are you different from Chris? Judge not lest you be judged. Some might even ask: where's the Christian love? If you believe in the Almighty. Then simply state it. And move on.

      • Keep it up Chris Milam. You think by supporting Liberalism you are invincible? With the election of Trump the culture will move against you. And your history as a shill will be available to everyone on the Internet. I'd wish good luck to you in that environment, but honestly I hope you sink.

      • Chris, for someone who claims he doesn't hate, you sure are hateful! Your comments are laced with hate and intolerance. Without love, there cannot be hate. Just like without light there cannot be darkness. God is love. You are far from indifferent Chris, so there must be a God. You simply cannot know, understand, comprehend or recognize hate if you don't know love.

        • I said I don't hate based on skin color. But I do hate based on warped minds. Folks like Trump supporters. Preach to someone else, I don't require your fake "love." I help the homeless here in Hamilton. I volunteer for Habitat for Humanity as well. I know who I am. Maybe you should focus on yourself instead of preaching online. Because preaching online is easy and requires nothing. Do better. Xxoo

          • You just made my point! Thank you! Xoxo. Have a blessed day! Oh and I wasn't offering you my love! Fake or otherwise! Lol.

          • I could teach you many things

            Like how to take a man "around the world" with your oral skills? LOL! You nauseating creep.

      • I am with you on that "God isn't real" part. I wish religion would just go away. Text from religious books have spoken about being gay is not good, and one should only marry a woman or be in bed with a woman and all that. But damn, if you believe a book that was written by delusional people you might be crazy. Jesus was a junky, saw things that wasn't there and people believed him.

        I'mma get lynched for this, but it's just stupid "A voice spoke to me..." yeah, that is some mental disorder (bi-polar? Schizofrenia? you pick and choose)

    • Even if you mean well, check this out. A comment of little substance gets upvoted a lot and the following thread is full of trolling. It's designed to push down discussion that develops the story any further so low on the page most people will never see it.

      • Thank you Bear Hands .. I didn't realize and I though what it said was true. I Still not knowing if it is in fact not true but I do understand what you shared. Thank you for that I appreciate it.. And I apologize to one and all if that was not true and resulted in suppressing any other conversation. It seemed like a logical branch to the main point. I'll stop responding to MC now in that thread.. pretty sure MC is not going to stop otherwise. :) then the thread will hopefully fade away. Again, thank you for the information.

        • That's probably for the best that you stop the unsubstantiated gossip. It comes off as concern troll behavior.

      • Thanks for pointing this out. I never would've waded through pages and pages of this crap if you hadn't. The DNC probably has hundreds of Chris Milams on their payroll.

    • google it- everyone has the story- except DISQUS who are blocking me posting links- I wonder about this service!

        • Thats the best response you can come up with...come on I would expect better from such a smart guy as you

      • and Santa will show his wrath at Christmas time. But he loves you. And give money to preachers of different churches. Wouldn't want then to have to get jobs and pay taxes

        • Spirit Sham-pain Sell-da-nation:

          1 Thimble Liberal Tears
          16 cl* Kool-Aid
          2 cl Clinton's Snodka

          Garnish with pinch ground Skin of Vicious Snake.
          Serve cold and angry.

          *metric measurements only, as per divine proclamation.

      • Manson was ahead of his time- Hollywood Satanic Rites in the 70s- Helter Skelter CIA MKULTRA- gosh all those paranoid fantasies come true. Clockwork Orange will rise from the ruins. Russia made She whose Name must never be Spoken do it.

    • you believe everything they put in print? Well, then you'll love the enquirer. I found out my cat is really a space alien.

    • If you deny it, you're retarded. There are many ancient wisdom teaching works(from brilliant esoteric authors) that detail how the collapse of Atlantis was brought on by the Dark Brotherhood being summoned into this realm. These low vibrational beings possess the souls/minds of the elite of society. This has been going on for thousands of years. Read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth if you want to inform yourself to the maximum. Luciferianism is a very established practice.

      • That's why they want to conquer all the world using NATO - to have their blood parties... Blood sacrifice is at the core of their cult, and wars are just big blood sacrifices for them. P.S. And each war serves for organ harvesting, child and women trafficking...

        • Ummm..no. You are uniformed. This change is long known and established. We are moving into the Age of Aquarius, a true Golden Age of enlightenment. But the change does not come without great darkness, and likely loss of life I fear. I hope I am wrong. There are very powerful forces at play the likes of which few sapiens can even comprehend being the lies and deception have gone for so long here on this prison planet.

          • Sadly, we have to wait a long time until this wonderful age of enlightement begins: Roughly 600 years.

            But given that constellations are mere inventions and unstable due to the stars moving anyway, we could just change the border.

    • Look up the Franklin scandal, the Dutroux case (and pay attention to the role of Marc Nihoul) and the Red Ballets. The elites of the West are completly depraved.

  • David Icke has been saying for decades that the Bush/Clinton families where involved in black magic and child sex trafficking. I'm starting to realize that he may have been right. This is just dark horrible stuff.

  • I must confess to having some difficulty in wrapping my brain around the idea that this really could be happening, but upon reflection, I have no doubt the Clintons could have convinced themselves that they are entitled to do the kind of things discussed in this article. In which case — yikes!

  • The fine art world is chock full of this sort of ritualistic posturing so this scandal could be construed as being typical conservative freak out about refined aesthetic and theoretical ponderings. The women is after all featured on the MoMA web site, the top modern art museum.

    Toppling fine art world arbitrary, often capricious, million dollar valuation of crap is necessary though to restore the West to an authentic culture. Their game is to place things like an upside down urinal next to a Van Gogh.

    As an aside, realize that being able to arbitrarily value some blotches and scribbles at a million dollars, along with anonymous auctions, affords a worldwide money laundering scheme for elites. You just sell a piece of crap to your anonymous self and you just laundered a million dollars, and nobody, not even courts, can say a damn thing about the scribbles being actually of no value.

    • Well said - thank you.

      While evidence of child sex and other crimes have not yet surfaced to my satisfaction, the fact is, this kind of artistic degradation usually precedes the degeneration of high-brow people to trailer-trash crimes. Roman Polanski, hero of these types, is a perfect example. Epstein, of course.

      So I await more than just code words and occultish cultural Marxist art. However, I would put down even money that the ultra-bad stuff will show up. Something made Comey blink.

    • I don't care whether some consider it art, cooking with human blood, milk, and semen, and then eating the results is fucking crazy. It's all nuts. That's my opinion, and I am entitled to it. I don't want anyone who does that shit involved in my government. And I think most U.S. Citizens would agree.