James Fallows and The Atlantic Admit to Journalistic Fraud

In a stunning admission on Twitter, James Fallows of the Atlantic conceded he is a journalistic fraud. Neither he nor The Atlantic fact-check articles, instead choosing to copy-and-past press releases. Fallows remains steadfast in his refusal to apologize or correct the record, as he is drunk with power. James Fallows and The Atlantic may soon learn that journalistic fraud has professional and legal consequences.

On October 28th, Fallows wrote an article at The Atlantic claiming that white nationalism was a huge trend on Twitter. Fallows cited a report from a scam company called “Demographics Pro.” According to Demographics Pro, my Twitter account was a “white nationalist Twitter account.”

A social-media analytics firm called Demographics Pro has released an analysis of 10,000 Trump supporters who are active on Twitter, and 10,000 Hillary Clinton supporters. It then matched those accounts with a list of 10 active, major white-nationalist Twitter accounts. (The company describes the way in which it chose and classified such sites here.)

White nationalists are an insular group, and they do not include me, nor do I include myself with them. When I informed Fallows of his mistake, I expected some integrity from him. Instead he told me to go away, saying, “I quoted a survey and explained its methodology. Your beef is with Demographics Pro.”


James Fallows admit he does not fact-check his articles or even take personal responsibility for them. Is this standard policy at The Atlantic?

Fallows admission astounded people, who expected once-respected journalists to do some actual fact-checking rather than serve as mouth pieces for special interest organizations.

Not only did Fallows fail to fact-check the report before citing it, he has refused to retract his remarks about me.

James Fallows is a fraud. The Atlantic is a fraud.

Fallows has decided he wants to lie about me. Lacking any decency or integrity, he will not retract his lies about me.

Mr. Fallows has clearly not read MAGA Mindset.

I hate bullies. Fallows is used to lying to the public and lying about those without the resources needed to fight back. He is used to getting away with fraud. He won’t get away with this.

Mike Cernovich:

View Comments (21)

  • I emailed Fallows in March with some personal information attempting to explain why people supported Trump. I had a respectful exchange with him in the past but he was not interested in listening. Trump has driven these people crazy.

    • i dont think one needs to be THAT much extravagant or special to be demonized easily, especially when running against a leftist woman... #wonderfulWomenSyndrome
      pretty much any of us would end up colored the way Trump had it from Democraps

  • I'm a nationalist, a populist and I'm white..... Oh noes.... all the racisms!1!!11!!

    The MSM is going to learn what it means to be schooled very soon. We'll also start by taking away their right to call themselves journalists without the obligatory "Opinion" moniker in front due to the overt bias.

    Only a truly unbiased media deserves protection.

    • Start publishing lists of journalists and media hacks. People who do their own research and encourage idea exchange, no matter their conclusions make the cut. Copy and paste ideologues earn a hack rating, and their platform identified for unwary readers.

  • Mike:
    It is very unfortunate that you LITERALLY have no other recourse, but the court system, & it is there for people like you, & it is my humble opinion that waiting is not to your advantage or to the cause you represent. I wish you well friend, I encourage you to be the head of the spear & protect truth in journalism. Take them down like Gawker was taken down & always remember, that collectively "We The People" will prevail if people like you "draw a line in the sand" & make a stand, for the necessity to be honest & fair when practicing the profession of journalism. The media hoaxers need to be crushed one by one & Trump knows this, you know this, & all of us who support @Cernovich know this! We will support you Mike, we got your 6, so move forward & fight for truth, fight for integrity, & fight for us(the regular decent everyday people who struggle to provide for our wife & children in a rigged economy & an unfair system). A jury of your peers will see the facts & see the truth, like they did in the Hulk Hogan suit & like they did with the patriots who were recently acquitted of all charges in a Federal court in Oregon. Prepare every needful thing, & thoughts of love & blessings from God to you, Shauna, & your whole family. Thank you for doing all that you do to restore The Constitution & The Bill of Rights to their rightful place! MAGA3x brother!

    ~Shawn P. Murphy

    • Not sure about litigating. There's NOTHING MORALLY WRONG with taking pride in one's demographic group and working to support its continuation. Words and moral principles have been hijacked and skewed to make Wrong virtuous and Right evil. Better to sow confusion and disorder so the enemies of Right collapse into the hell they're creating.
      Check out Colonel John Boyd's ideas on conflict and warfare. He includes the moral dimension as critical to success.

  • BLM is conspicuously absent from the SPLC hate group list, even though "The SPLC states: "Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing". And real talk about racial differences is denigrated as "maligning" and therefore hate speech.

    Different moral standards applied to different groups. Down here, deep within the rabbit hole, groups with high moral standards, including strong belief in continuing their culture through sustainable birth rates are attacked - even with physical violence - as hateful. But the people with faces contorted with rage, beating innocent victims with clubs are messengers of peace.

  • It's time to sue, but you might want to wait for Trump's upgrade in libel law. It's time some "pretty little liars" got their due.

    • Their founder, Morris Dees, is also a pedophile according to his divorce papers. But you won't hear that on CNN (Clinton News Network).