How a Mindset Expert who HATES Politics Got Involved with #MAGA3X

“Politics is for those who lack control over their own lives,” I wrote in 2012. I mocked Mitt Romney and Obama supporters alike. Who could support either of them? Why would anyone care? A visit to my hometown changed me forever.

“Hi, Michael,” he said. His face was familiar but I couldn’t place it. His eyes were broken. This young man in front of me was a former neighbor, he was always a good kid. The factory had been shut down, and he had been out of work for 9 months. Talking to him and so many others almost broke my heart.

I lived in rarefied circles. I travel the world while writing books and talking about success. I was living in a bubble.

There are people hurting, and no one cared about them – not W. Bush, not Mitt Romney, not Obama, and surely not Hillary Clinton.

Does Trump truly care? He seems like it, he strikes me as someone who wants to be liked by real Americans. But as with every character assessment, I don’t entirely know, and that is why I support him.

We’ve had trade deals that destroyed my hometown, tearing apart families and driving once-proud men to drugs and alcohol. Single motherhood is on the rise. Families are struggling, health insurance is sky high. Most Americans can’t raise $400 in an emergency, and 57% of Boomer have zero in retirement savings.

We’ve watched the suicide rate of working class Americans increase. We’ve seen the meth and heroin epidemics.

What brought us here – or rather who brought us here? Hillary took credit for Bill’s work, and Bill gave us NAFTA. During the presidential debate, Hillary took credit for Obama’s work, telling 100 million Americans, “Before it was Obamacare, it was Hillarycare.”

With Clinton, there is no chance for change. Wall Street will get richer, we will have more wars, the working man and working woman won’t stand a chance. We will have an entire lost generation of youth who struggle to find a national identity and to have hope and optimism for the future.

“Bubble, Bust, Bail-Outs. #ImWithHer.” – Wall Street

Hate Trump as a person all you like. I understand the hate. I won’t defend everything he has said and done.

Hate politics. I understand it. I hated politics.

But if you love America, and if you care about people who are struggling to get by, then there is no other choice.

Vote Donald Trump, take three people with you to the polls. Make America Great Again – Times Three.

November 8th is America’s last stand.

We don’t know what will happen in the future. Will robots take all of the times? Will AI render my mindset work irrelevant?

We can’t worry about what we don’t know and don’t predict.

What we can do is make the best decision based on what we do know.

We know Clinton is owned by Wall Street and military contractors. We know she rigged the primary election. We know that CNN gave her debate questions. We know that she cheats on the test. We know she lies, cheats, and takes bribes from nations that fund terrorism.

Voting for Hillary is voting for the person who cheats on every test.

What else do we know?

We know Trump is hated by the war mongers and financiers. Those who want to send others off to fight wars despite Trump.

We know America has a shot. We are the underdog. We are the comeback kid.

A vote for Trump is a voting for America. Take a chance on America. It might be the last one we get.


Mike Cernovich:

View Comments (14)

  • Hillary's aim is to make the US more like Europe. She will put pro-SJW judges on the Supreme Court, and those people will stay there for a generation.

    The Constitution is whatever a Supreme Court majority says. The Hillary SCOTUS will not just take your guns, it will also dismantle free speech. After what the internet has done to her campaign and the DNC, Hillary will wage a war against internet freedom and will try to force censorship policies on the US, saying that it's required to stop a cyberwar and ISIS propaganda. Censorship is a business, and there's a reason why tech companies support her.

    Hillary will also force a massive demographic change on America, including her refugee plans and, of course, amnesty for illegal aliens. Several red states will flip blue and the Electoral College will be lost to the Left forever. As we have learned, DEM superdelegates, not voters, would then pick the next President. Forever. So it will be impossible to restore any liberties abolished by Hillary. In addition, do not believe that a new nationalist 3rd party could win the presidency. As I said, the hijacked Electoral College makes that unlikely, especially if the GOP stays around as a vote splitter.

    Voting Trump isn't about voting for the lesser evil. We know, certainly, that Hillary will end our way of life as we know it, and that America will wake up as an unofficial member state of the European Union. Voting Trump means, at a minimum, to dodge a bullet that would certainly kill you.

    • Yes, but...the scenario you describe will bring the revolution option into play. Not a thing to look forward to.

  • Brilliant Mike. We don't know what we're getting with Trump but the Devil we do know has already crashed our once great nation. Kill-ary and Obama have colluded with EVERYBODY to sell us out!

  • The SWAT team raids on Gibson guitar company to extort a huge fine based on interpretation of Indian law that not even the Indian government enforced was a turning point for me. As was the "you didn't build that" anti-business sentiment. Then there was my discovery as a science PhD that the whole field of climatology was a hoax. My first vote ever was for Romney, and that's the only vague hope we had before Mike and Milo and Breitbart joined forces with the #GamerGate rebellion. Before that all I had were traditional conservative blogs. It was incredibly oppressive, nearly hopeless, since those were all merely complainers. My climate skeptic peers were 95% cucked as hell, policing each other to be beta nice guys to win some imagined character pageant. Trump is another dimension. Under him, the progressive left is toast, since prosecutions will no longer be blocked. Best of all, the new media effectiveness of Mike and crew have multiplied the ability of everyday muckrackers to get a story trending. Each Twitter account now with a large following is like its own Drudge Report that you can directly submit a story to.

    • Good summary...trump is a quantum leap... out of the emasculated fog, into true vigor, true attack of the left - which is so good at lying poker faced that it can only be unsettled by straight shooters...

  • I used to not care. I had it made. I bought mortgages for banks. I had one hell of a career. Clinton started it... Bush finished it. My husband of 14 yrs then stole every dime and abandoned me and our son. He fled to Costa Rica when child support became a felony. I lost my house.
    I will never recover. I am now 48 and terrified.
    Obama has been a disaster.. Ive lost my health insurance now 3 times.
    The rich get richer... the poor get poorer.
    Things have to change.

  • I've been with Trump from day one, but if I wasn't, I would ask myself this, why would a Man, who has everything already, money, beautiful wife, beautiful kids & grandkids, put his Life on hold to run for President, just to be ridiculed, embarrassed, slandered, physically assaulted while on stage and bashed 24/7 on every biased media news outlet? He didn't need any of this to be Mr. Trump, he's already that Man, he did this to give voice to people like us who are sick of Illegal Immigrants getting more from a Country they broke into than it's own Citizens, that are sick of seeing us lose our jobs to low wage Countries and are sick of seeing Politicians, with a wink and a nod, approve of assaulting and murdering our Law Enforcement Officers. We had no voice, no one listened to us, no one paid any attention to what the Citizens of this Country, who work and are forced to pay for everyone else to have Free and we have ugotz (Nothing) to show for it. I pay a tax penalty for Not being able to afford health insurance every year, yet non-citizens are taken care of in every hospital in NJ. I haven't seen a Doctor in years, not any kind of doctor, no matter how ill I am, I don't go to the emergency room for help, because I will be sent a bill, while Illegals aren't. I'm done with trying to bring everyone else up to our standard of living, while lowering and sacrificing our own. If Mexico is so wonderful, stay there, work there, show your Pride there, this is America and Americans fought to have the Country we have and it's about time someone says, Americans will come first, from now on. All Americans, Black, White, Spanish, Gay, all of us, if you are a Citizen, only you get to decide what we do for Our Country! I can't wait to vote for Mr. Trump on November 8th, if I had to crawl through broken glass or swim through garbage to do it, I will be there with Bells on for the Man who Loves this Country and Loves it's American people.

    • Trump has spent at least $70 million of his own money, and the vast majority of the money financing his campaign comes from grassroots support. Shillary doesn't spend a dime of her own money, and is financed and supported to the tune of billions by small special interest groups and lobbyists.

      This is tells any voter everything they need to know about which one of them is likely to represent them.

      The difference is stark and the choice is clear.

      Drain the swamp. This could be the last chance.

  • Manufacturing is a good industry for men. Very little office politics, and no one gets upset over little things.

  • I sure as hell hope Trump wins and big but the fight will just be starting with his election. The democrats, the media and the spineless republicans will try to undermine him at every turn. He has balls as big as church bells and he will need every constituent's help. The US is worth saving from the liberal jackals that are bent on destroying everything that is right and good in this country.

  • Mike, you're doing incredible work. Thank you – from all of us – for taking on this burden.

    Keep moving.